
Cozumel, Mexico

Today when the Carnival Valor landed in Cozumel, Mexico, our family got dressed and put on sunscreen. We also put on sunglasses. When we got out of the ship, it was like 100 degrees F! We walked until we got to a mall. We went inside because it was shady.

After a short while, we got a taxi tour. Our first stop was a park. After the taxi driver drove through the entrance, we saw an iguna perched on top of a stack of rocks. The driver stopped so we could take a look. The taxi stopped as we got to the place where you pay so you can get inside the park. We paid and we took off. As we walked along the path, we saw an iguna nearly on the path. My dad took pictures and the iguna wasn't even afraid!

Then we saw several huts. The roofs were made out of grass and the rest -- stone!My dad told me that, the Mayan people built them. Actually, the Mexican people did because the Mayan's huts were ruins. We walked on and saw giant mouse holes. The perimeter was about a yard! Since it was so hot, my grandmother and I walked back to a small hut with a bench and rested in the cool shade.

Five minutes later, my grandfather came to join us. Five more minutes later, my parents came. Then we walked back to the taxi. Our taxi driver was chatting with some other taxi drivers. When he saw us, he came over and helped us in.

Then he drove for a while and we came to Paradise Beach. My parents and I changed clothes and got blue floatie things because the ocean was too deep. We swam in the ocean. there was some water trampolines. We swam there and bounced on the trampolines. After that, we swam a little more and took a shower by the bathrooms.

We put on our regular clothes and went back to the taxi. My grandfather was already there. We drank some juice from a fresh coconut and got into the taxi. The taxi driver came and we drove back to the mall. We shopped around the mall and bought a few souvenirs. Then we headed back to the cruise ship.

My adventure in Cozumel was fun, bit hot.


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