
Bald Eagle

If I could wear an animal costume, I would choose the Bald eagle because it's the U.S. national bird. It's also one of the most endangered birds of prey. It eats birds and small animals, but particularly likes to feed on fish. It scoops the fish from the surface of the water and flies off, holding them in a powerful grip from its claw.

The Bald Eagle is often seen in Alaska, where many other wild animal species live. That is why I would want to have a Bald Eagle costume.



The Haunted House

It was a Halloween night in Centerville.

Peter Hatcher and his little sister, Leslie were getting ready. Peter was 13 and was in the 7th grade. Leslie was 7 and a half and was in the 2nd grade. For Halloween, Peter was a ninja and Leslie was a witch.

Peter was in the bathroom, darkening his face. Suddenly, Leslie pounded on the door. "Open up!" She yelled, "Why should I?" Peter asked. "Because I say so!" she answered. Peter grinned. "Just a minute!" he shouted. He got out on old blue pail and filled it with cold water. Then he stood on a stool and put it up on top of the door. He unlocked it. "Come on in!" Peter said. Leslie opened the door and water and an old blue pail fell on her head.

"Mom!" she screeched, soaking wet, "You can't believe what Peter did to me!" and she ran downstairs to the living room, where her mother was getting ready for the trick-or-treaters. She was filling up a big bowl with candy. "Yes, honey?" she asked without looking up. "Whatever!" Leslie muttered. She ran off to her dad, "Daddy!" She yelled. "Look!" her dad looked up from carving the last jack-o-lantern. "Dad!" Peter yelled. "Come help me tie this around my waist!" "Got to go, sweetheart." Mr. Hatcher said to Leslie. He headed up the stairs. "Dad!" Peter called. "Coming!" Mr. Hatcher said. Leslie muttered, "At least this isn't my costume!" Leslie changed into her witch costume. Then, Peter came out, practicing kung fu moves. Then he slipped behind Leslie and said, "Boo!" "Yikes!" Leslie screamed. "Mom! Peter scared me!" "Come her, Peter!" Mrs. Hatcher said in a stern voice. "Nice going, tattletale!" Peter grumbled. "Peter, how many times have I told you not to scare your sister?!" Mrs. Hatcher said. "But mom," Peter complained, "it's Halloween! Everyone should have a little scare!" "Okay," his mother agreed, "but no more!" Leslie stuck out her tongue as she passed by.

Mrs. Hatcher gave Peter a package of candy corn to start his trick-or-treating. "Hey! Don't I get one?" Leslie complained. Their mother looked inside the bowl. "I don't have any more!" she apologized. "I'll give you a lollipop." "Okay." Leslie chose out a lollipop and popped it into her mouth. "Come on,k slowpoke!" Peter mumbled, halfway out the door. Leslie followed Peter out and waved good-bye to her mom.

Peter led Leslie to their neighbor's house. Then he rang the doorbell. Mr. Louis, their neighbor opened the door. His dog, Spike jumped up and down, barking. Peter bent down to pet him. Spike licked his face. Peter wiped his face and gave Spike a belly rub. "Trick or treat!" Leslie called. "Hello, little witch!" Mr. Louis greeted. Leslie laughed. "It's me, Mr. Louis!" Mr. Louis placed a snickers bar in Leslie's pumpkin. Meanwhile, Spike placed his paws on Peter's knees. Peter picked him up and said to Mr. Louis, "Gee, I sure wish I could have a puppy at home." Then he put Spike down. Mr. Louis gave Peter a Skittles bag.

They moved on to the next house. It belonged to Mrs. and Mr. Landers. Leslie knocked the door. Mrs. Landers greeted them. Her kid, Tyler (he's a toddler) was pulling on her leg. "Goo, goo, gaa, gaa!" Tyler said. Tyler was dressed as a little pumpkin. "Trick or treat!" Peter picked out a Hersheys bar and a peppermint. Leslie got two lollipops. Tyler tugged at Leslie's dress. (for her witch costume) Leslie patted his head.

Peter led the way from door to door, until their baskets were full. "There's no where else in the neighborhood where we can go!" Leslie complained. Peter grinned. "Oh yeah? You forgot the," Peter's voice dropped to a whisper, "Inkpier Estate." Leslie shivered. "But that looks too much like a haunted house!" Peter snickered. Then he imitated a chicken, "Bawk, bawk, bawk! Bawk, bawk, bawk!" Leslie's face grew red. "I am NOT a chicken!" she argued. "Then, I dare you to come with me." Peter challenged. Leslie sighed. "Fine. But don't be laughing when you get turned into monster's soup." Peter laughed. "Come on! We're just going trick-or-treating!" Peter started going toward the Inkpier Estate. Leslie held on firmly to his sleeve. When they got there, Peter knocked the door."Knock, knock, knock! Anybody home?!" Peter shouted. Suddenly, the door swung open. A little box of treats was placed on the mat. Leslie peeked in. "All there is is saltwater taffy!" she exclaimed. Peter looked in, too. "You're right." Peter stepped inside. Leslie grabbed his arm. "Wait! You said we were just going trick-or-treating!" "Scaredy cat!" Peter mocked. Leslie stepped inside. As soon as she did the door slammed shut.

"Ahhhhh!" Leslie screamed. "Hey! You're hurting my eardrums!" Peter complained. "Peter Hatcher!" Leslie pouted. "You've got to admit, this is pretty creepy." Just then, a gigantic spider jumped down from the ceiling. "Yikes!" Leslie shuddered. She ran for the door. Then she rattled the doorknob. It came off in her hands. "Peter! We're locked in!" she said frantically. "What are we gonna do!?" Leslie cried in horror. Peter smiled. "Then let's go explore this place!" He started going up the creaky stairs.

Leslie took a deep breath and followed him. Peter looked at his glow-in-the-dark watch. "Uh, oh! It's past 8. Mom said we had to be back at 8:00." "But we can't go out! I accidentally pulled it off!" Leslie showed him the doorknob. "I guess we'll have to find another place out. Maybe there's a back door!" Peter said. Leslie followed Peter throughout the haunted house. Suddenly, they ran into a mess of bats. The bats hoovered above them, flying. Leslie screamed and covered her head. "Don't worry, they're harmless, short stuff." Peter coaxed. Peter called Leslie short stuff because she was only up to his chest. They continued on their search. Then, something white and nearly transparent flew above them. "A ghost!" Leslie screamed. "Aww, that's prob'ly just a ghostwing butterfly." Peter said, but he no longer sounded sure. "You mean there are butterfly ghosts?!" Leslie asked, "Yikes!" "No," Peter explained, "it's a type of butterfly with clear wings!" "Oh," Leslie replied, " but can it be that big?" Peter shrugged. "Let's go find a way out!" Leslie cried. "Okay, okay!" Peter grumbled.

They went back down the stairs and opened a door. There were slimy, disgusting, white bandages all over the dusty floor. On the wall, there was a picture of an Egyptian king. "Uh, who's that?" Leslie wondered. "An Egyptian king." Peter said. In the corner of the room, there laid the king. Peter and Leslie walked over. They both thought they could hear soft breathing. "Did you just hear that?" Leslie whispered to Peter. "You mean the soft breathing and heart beating? No," Peter said nervously, "let's get out of here!" Peter leaped toward the door. Leslie ran after him. Suddenly, they heard a soft moaning sound. Leslie thought she saw the king move his finger. They quickly slammed the door behind them. Peter said quickly, "Let's go upstairs, maybe there's an fire escape like our house." "Okay." Leslie grabbed Peter's sleeve again.

The "ninja" and the "witch" ran up the stairs. They opened a door. There was an old leather chair covered with a white sheet that moved a little. "Wow, the wind sure is strong today!" Leslie discovered. "Uh, there's no windows anywhere," Peter said. "Uh, oh." Leslie moaned. There were also 3 bookshelves along a wall. "Hmm," Peter wandered over. There was a book called ABOUT THE INKPIER ESTATE that had only one page. Peter pulled it out and read it. The page read, "If you are reading this, that means you are inside of the Inkpier Estate which is haunted so you better go out! Look for a brown book and pull it. That is the secret passageway to get out. Just follow the path. by: Arnold Smith, dedicated to: whoever inside of Inkpier Estate." "All right!" Peter grinned. "Leslie! Come help me search for a brown book." "Okay." Leslie and Peter searched and searched. Finally, Leslie found it. "Over here, Peter!" she called. Peter hurried over. Then he pulled. Then the whole bookshelf spun around. Peter and Leslie Hatcher went with the bookshelf. Soon, they found themselves in a dim, narrow hallway. "Come follow me!" Peter said.

Leslie held on to Peter's ninja belt as they followed the passageway. Right after they went behind the corner, they bumped into a man with orange hair. He smiled down at them. "Lost?" he said with a friendly grin, "I'm Arnold Smith, the dude who wrote the book. I'll show you the way out. But first, stop by for some cupcakes." "So you're Arnold Smith?" Peter blurted out. He nodded. "Yup. You guys can call me Arnold." "Where'd you get the cupcakes?" Arnold smiled mysteriously. "I live here. In the hall. Come on!" He led them to a door. Then he opened it. Inside the room was s small wooden table, some chairs, a little refrigerator, and an i-mac. "Wow," Leslie whistled softly. Arnold explained, "The reason I live here because someone burglarized my house back in Centerville and sold it to someone called, Vanessa Herkins. So I took some stuff and moved inside." Then he opened the refrigerator and took out two cupcakes and gave them to Peter and Leslie. "Besides," Arnold added, "these are just your costumes, right?" "Yeah!" After they finished their cupcakes, Arnold led them toward the exit. Peter and Leslie thanked him and asked, "Can we visit you sometime?" "Sure!" Arnold replied. "I get longly." Peter and Leslie hurried home.

20 years later, Peter and Leslie grew up. Arnold was very old then, so he moved to the senior community center. Leslie moved to Colorado and was swimming teacher there. Peter moved inside the Inkpier Estate and took Arnold Smith's place. Now he helps people escape from the house.



When I Shrank

I was feeling a little nervous as I climbed aboard the dragonfly. This all began when I was in Matilda and Houdini's Magic Store. I bought a small bottle of pink powder in it. The label said "Shrinking powder-just add water." I laughed as I read it. I thought about all the things. I could shrink. A clerk was walking by, "Um, excuse me, Sir?" I said, "Yes?" the clerk said back in a deep and rich voice with a bright smile, "Can this really shrink things?" I asked. His smile dropped off immediately. He looked nervous now. "I don't think you'll like to buy this. It shrinks things down to the size of an ant." "Great!" I cried gleefully, "How much?" The clerk shrugged. "$7.99," he said. I went over to the counter and gave them a ten-dollar bill. After I got the change, I took the muni home with part of the change.

After I got home, I poured the powder into a mug with a lid. Then, I poured a teaspoon of water into it. I mixed it because that's what the instructions said. There was also a warning that came along with it. "WARNING! DO NOT DRINK! NO EFFECT ON HUMANS EXCEPT WHEN DRANK!" I laughed. Then I carried it to my room. I poured a little bit on my father's pin. It shrunk. "It works!" I yelled. Now that I knew it worked, I put on the cover and went to the living room to watch T.V. I flipped through the channels and stopped at Disney Channel. I laughed out loud because something funny was happening. Suddenly, my foot knocked over the mug. The lid fell over and the pink liquid started flowing out. I turned off the T.V. "Oh, Oh," I said. I quickly grabbed a towel and started wiping up the mess. After I wiped up most of it, I accidentally dropped the towel onto the rest of it with my mouth open because I was tired. When the towel dropped on the rest of the mess, it caused the liquid to fly up into the air and it landed inside my mouth. Before I knew it, I swallowed it and shrunk down to the size of an ant. "Oops," I mumbled to myself. I sighed and slipped underneath the door and headed in the street.

Suddenly, a shadow fell upon me. I spun around instantly. It was a dragonfly. It spoke to me in a deep voice. "Who are you?!" it asked. I quickly made up a name. "Uh, Michelle," I lied, "What about you?" "I'm Dragonfly," it replied. "I know you're a dragonfly," I said, "what's your name?" "Dragonfly," it replied. "Oh. Male or female?" I questioned it. "Male." Then Dragonfly grinned. "Come on! Let's fly through an adventure!" That's how I nervously climbed on Dragonfly. "Okay," I said unsurely, "but just don't go too -" Dragonfly zipped around trees and buildings rapidly "FAST!" I yelled. "What did you say?" Dragonfly mumbled. "By the way, you can call me Draffle. That's my nickname." "Okay," I said unsurely, "where are we going, exactly?" I asked. Draffle replied, "To the woods." I began to feel a little suspicious. "Why?" I said, "To have fun!" Draffle answered. "To have fun," I muttered under my breath.

When we go to the woods, Draffle was flying as fast as a bird. "Whoa, slow down there, Draffle!" I called. "Sorry!" apologized as he slowed down a bit. Draffle brought me to a gentle stop as we passed by a mossy tree. "What are we going to do now?" I asked. Draffle grinned. "Let's have a race!" he replied. "No way," I said, "you're definately gonna win." "Whatever!" Draffle grumbled. We zipped off. Just as he was about to win, he crashed into a beehive. "Uh, oh!" Draffle cried. "Go inside the lake!" I yelled as bees started swarming out. Draffle frowned. "But my wings will get wet!" he complained. "It's either that or face a bunch of angry bees!" I shouted as I jumped in the lake. Draffle hopped in after me.

Suddenly, I felt myself growing. In a minute, I had grown back to my normal size. "What am I doing here?! And why am I all wet?" I cried in disapproval. I shook my head, climbed out of the water, and walked home. I changed clothes and threw the shrinking powder away.

I smiled, glad that everything was back to normal.



Learning to Juggle

When I first was learning to juggle, my coach was my dad. My grandmother made my own juggling balls. It was made from old socks and rice. Everyday, I practice when I have spare time. When I learned to juggle with two balls, I put on a show. A little while later, I learned to juggle with three balls. I usually mess up on about my 12th and 13th juggles.



The Secret is Open!

Once upon a time, there was a huge family of ghosts living in a horror movie. Every day, they would act out spooky movies and be loud. By the end of each day, they would be tired. The ghost family had Katherine Ghoulie (the mom), Gordost Ghoulie (the dad), their five children: Victor, Shella, Warren, Maddie (Mad-DYE), and Casper Ghoulie. They also lived with their aunt, Carmella Bogey and their uncle, Martin Bogey.

When the movie theater was closed, life in the horror screen neighborhood was pretty busy. Mr. and Mrs. Ghoulie had late night meetings with other people who worked in the Hallow Oak Company. Victor, Shella, Warren, Maddie, and Casper play with the Steins' kids. Frank N. Stein (the Steins' father) and Wanda Stein (mother) go to meetings so Atom, Sara, and Joyce Stein get to play with the Ghoulies' kids. On Thursdays and Fridays, children go to school at the neighborhood's academy. The neighborhood was called Creepyville. In Creepyville, the five Ghoulie kids have tons of friends like Ashley and Drake Cula (vampires) owned by Dr. A. Cula, the Steins, Mr. Planium's kids, Allen (aliens) and Alan, and Mr. and Mrs. Rovers (robots) boy, Robert.

One Thursday afternoon, (the theater was closed) the Ghoulie kids were playing with Ashley Cula because Drake accidentally ate garlic and vampires were allergic to it and poor Drake was lying in his coffin. Suddenly, Mr. Stein (he's an officer) drove his mobile down the street, wailing, "Eey, Er! Eey, Er!" "What's going on, Mr. Stein!?" Shelly hollered. Mr. stein stopped his siren and explained, "The manager of this theater saw Spark Planium's kids playing on the screen. Go home where you'll be safe." Victor asked, "Why was the manager here? I thought the theater was closed today!" Mr. Stein shrugged. "Mr. Rover reported that the manager was going to his office to print tickets for tomorrows' movie. Then he spotted Allen and Alan playing on the movie screen." Then, they heard a bloodcurdling scream, looked at each other, and run home. Mr. Marvin Mons, the mayor pulled a giant black blanket over the screen. Then he got into his mobile and made sure everyone was at home with their doors locked. After that, he locked himself in his office chatting on the phone with his girlfriend.

Even with everything shut and closed, they can still hear the manager screech, "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!?" Everyone in Creepyville was very worried. Sensitive infant monsters started crying, mummies shivered so hard that some of their bandages came off. Warren Ghoulie who was thinking spoke up. "Dad! I have an idea!" he shouted. Mr. Ghoulie looked up and put his finger to his mouth. "What?" he whispered in a spooky voice. "I've got an idea to get rid of the manager!" Warren bragged. Just then, his whole family looked up. "Great, mah boy!" said his uncle Martin Bogey. "Now what IS your plan?" "Yeah!" Casper joined in. Warren smiled. "We shall haunt the manger until he quits. Then Ms Wendy, our teacher can take his place. She is good at being a boss and she is the most human-like in Creepyville." Mrs. Ghoulie clapped. "Brilliant idea but" she paused, "who will take over?!" "Don't you get it, Mom?" Maddie asked, "The theater is closed on Thursdays and Fridays and that's when we have school!" "A nice idea but who'll haunt the manger?" their aunt Carmella Bogey asked. "The kids in Creepyville would!" Victor muttered. "But --" their mom began. "Don't you worry about a thing," Shella interrupted, "Mr. Planium just invented a sweet potion that can turn people and monsters invisible. I can ask Allen and Alan to get it. besides," she added, "they get top-secret information from him." Mr. Ghoulie laughed. "What do you think, honey?" he asked Mrs. Ghoulie. "But Gordost, the children can get captured." "Not with invisible ink," the others chimed in. She sighed. "Okay." Uncle Bogey got out his cellphone. "I'll make a call to the mayor right away!" he said as he started dialing.

The next day, Mr. Mons made an announcement to Creepyville. He told everyone Warren's plan and Mr. Wendy and Mr. Planium were thrilled. Ms. Wendy was thrilled because she always wanted to be the manager. Mr. Planium was thrilled because he'd love to share his invention. The kids were also gleeful because they'd finally do some haunting and was allowed to leave the screen. Mrs. Rover saw the manager pass and she spread the word. She got Robert all ready and she made him drink the invisible potion after he leaves. Soon, all the kids who were in Creepyville gathered together. Drake was better so he came too.

The kids jumped out of the screen. When they landed, they drank the potion. Everyone was invisible. Since Atom Stein was the tallest around, he stood on his tipie-toe and found the manager's office. Even when they were invisible, they could still see each other. "Follow me!" Atom hissed. "I gotta pee!" a monster named Inkster Eres said. Sara turned around and replied, "save it for the office! He'll think that a toilet attacked him!" They both cracked up. When they got to the manager's office, Inkster peed all over the floor. Allen and Joyce giggled. The manager spun his chair around. "What's there!" he cried. He looked around nervously. Alan spotted a name tag on his desk. It said, "Roy Brown". he poked Drake and pointed at the sign. Drake told everyone. Warren had an idea. He told it to Casper. Casper spoke in his creepiest voice. "Mr. Brown, " he said slowly, "I have got notified how you've been behaving. You're nowofficially fired! I have in mind a perfect person for your replacement." Mr. Brown gasped. WWWWhos ththththere?" he asked, stammering. "It is us!" everyone said together in their creepiest voices. "BBBBBut III don't see anyone!" Mr. Brown said, finding his voice again. "YOU are not trustworthy enough to run a theater." Ashley spoke up. "Okay, III'll quit and you can hire another person but just please, don't hurt me!" Mr. Brown pleaded. "Find a different job, and we shall not hurt you!" Alan roared. "But I can't." Mr. Brown started. "No buts, no cuts, no coconuts!" Inkster growled. "Leave at once!" all the kids from Creepyville shouted. "Or else I'll poop on your floor instead of peeing," Inkster added. Mr. Brown stared at the puddle of pee on the floor. He gulped, packed all his things into a big backpack, and left.

"Yes, we did it!" Joyce cheered. "We DID do it." Victor said with a loopy grin. The troop followed Atom back to the screen and took another sip of the potion and jumped into the movie screen. Robert hollered, "Hey everyone! The kids of Creepyville are back!" They were greeted by Mr. Planium and Mr. Mons. "Congratulation!" Mr. Mons congratulated them. Allen and Alan ran over to Mr. Planium and he hugged them with his four arms. (he's an alien)

The other kids ran home and got big surprises from their parents. Ashley and Drake Cula flew over to Ms. Wendy's house and told her that she's the manager of the theater now. Ms. Wendy let out a big whoop. Everything was fine then on until ... ... the janitor saw Dr. A. Cula going on a walk.



The Case of the Pocket Flashlight

One morning I woke up and discovered that I had turned into a detective. I wasn't wearing my pajamas. Instead, I was wearing a deerstalker cap, a jacket that covered nearly all of my face, a pair of plaid pants, and black shoes. I shook my head and changed into a t-shirt and jeans. I stuffed the detective clothes into my backpack along with my homework folder and zipped it shut. Then I headed downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast, I got ready for school. I grabbed a jacket and headed out the door with mom. My mom drove me to school and I headed in the classroom. I started coping math problems on the board to do. Finally, it was recess. I told my friend about the detective clothes. She smiled and said, "I know someone who lost their pocket flashlight, maybe you can solve the mystery. Oh, and it's Zoe who lost it." I nodded slowly. "Ooookay," I said unsurely. I looked around the playground and spotted Zoe Fishkins. I ran over. "Hey, Zoe! Wait up!" I yelled as I caught up. "What??" Zoe mumbled. I got out my deerstalker cap and put it on and replied, "Maybe I can help finding your flashlight." Zoe shrugged as we started hunting for her flashlight.

We looked up and down, there and around but we had no such luck. All of a sudden, I snapped my fingers. "That's it!" I cried. "I know where your flashlight is. It's in your pocket!" Zoe looked in her pocket and found it. "Wow," she said. "How'd you know?" I nodded modestly. "Just remembered what my friend told me of what you've lost. A pocket flashlight."



After school was over, I put my detective clothes in a honorable place in my closet. Those clothes helped me concentrate on am mystery. Now, whenever I have a mystery to be solved, I put on those clothes and solved the mystery in 5 minutes. They have never failed me.