
Days with Frog and toad (The Hat)

First, it was Toad's birthday and frog gave him a hat. Except the hat was too big. Toad was sad. Then, Frog thought of a plan. He told Toad that tonight, when he goes to bed, think big thoughts which will make his head grow larger. Finally, when Toad went to bed, he thought some big thoughts. Frog sneaked in at midnight and took the hat to his house and poured some water on the hat. It began to shrink. Frog put the hat back where he found it. Toad was happy the next morning. It fits!


Linus Goes to Space

Once there was a scientist named Linus. Linus heard many people say "There are aliens behind the moon." Linus wasn't so sure about it. So he decided to go look there himeself. Linus rented a rocket. He blasted off and flew away to be nowhere to be found.

The Tiny Creature

One day, Gus and Axel were inside playing starwars. Then Axel saw something glowing in Gus's yard, he called to Gus and told him about that.

The thing looked like a spaceship, the door of the thing opened and a ladder fell out and a strange creature came out. It jumped into the house and ate everything that is made out of metal. I will tell you some of the things the creature ate: penny, machine, statue, cup.



The Trouble Makers

Once upon a time, there was an elf who was a bit of pest. The elf's name is Mark and he had an elf friend named James and he was a big trouble maker. Mark and James were friends since just born!

One day they decided to put a wild frog in Ms. Benson's desk like for example, when Ms. Benson opened her desk, the frog would jump out and she would scream. The next day at recess, James and Mark sneaked in and put the frog in their teacher's desk. After recess, Ms. Benson was about to get something out of her desk. When she opened it, the frog jumped out and Ms.Benson screamed and all of the elves in her class laughed so hard! Ms. Benson called the principal right away to tell Mr. Jack the principal to take the frog away! And she was so, so, mad!


Mark's Weird Dream

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Mark Bob and his address was 2940 Frog Creek, Pennsylvania 82116. Mark lived in a small house. Mark had $900.00, and a bike and a grand piano. One day, a weird thing happened, everything didn't look right and Mark was just dreaming.



The Big Hole

Once there were two friends, an elephant and a giraffe. The elphant's name was Kennedy and the giraffe's name was Zachary.

One day, Zachary asked Kennedy, "Want to meet each other at the park?" "Okay." replied Kennedy. They met each other at the park one sunny Wednesday. They both told each other that they were so hungry. So they decided to eat the grass of the national park.

You heard that they were so hungry, right? Zachary and Kennedy at so much that they made a big hole down the center of the national park. At the bottom of the park, Zachary couldn't believe his eyes! And Kennedy too. There were lots of beautiful mountains and rivers. It was almost like heaven!

Zachary and Kennedy jumped down to the beautiful land and played tag and hide-and-seek there quite a while. When it was time for dinner, Zachary realized they couldn't go back up! Suddenly, Kennedy figured out a way to get up. His plan was to put spiky sticks on their feet and climb up. So it worked.



Friendship Recipe -- Makes about 100 friends

Start carefully with
3 Pinches of joyful smiles
1/2 Cup of kind faces
A teaspoon of fun
Throw in quickly
A dash of love
Pour in some funny kids
A pinch of envy
Bake at 100 degrees for 1 century
Finely chopped with forgiveness
Mix in large baking bowl until it giggles