
The Best Birthday Ever! -- Part II

"Todd, can you buy Jake's birthday decorations? His friends are going to come over," Mrs. Relski said. Mr. Relski groaned, but he managed to say, "Fine,Thea." "Buy it at Party City," Mrs. Relski continued.

Jake glanced at his Pokemon watch. "Oh, no! The bus is gonna come any minute now!" Jake gasped. He quickly brushed his teeth, washed his face, and grabbed his backpack. And said "Uh, oh. My invitations!" Jake got his invitation and rushed out the door just in time as the bus stopped in front of his house.

He plopped down next to Sparr Terence. Jake gave Sparr his invitation and said " Hey, Sparr. It's an invitation to my birthday party on Saturday. Can ya come?" Sparr shrugged, "Maybe, I have to ask my parents first. But, I can help you pass out the invitations in class." "That would be a great help." Jake replied. Jake handed Sparr half of the invitations for him to pass out. When the bus stopped, Jake handed out the rest of the invitations that were his half. Everyone at least said "Okay!" or "Maybe." When they got to school, Sparr haded out his half of the invitations.

Sparr and Jake did a high-five. Just then, Sebastian Derekson slapped Jake on the back and said, "Sure I'll come buddy!" Jake smiled. Luke Robin came and said, "I dunno if I can go or not, but, I sure hope so!" Andrew Cod passed by and winked with his thumb up. "That probably means yes," Jake thought. Meredith Francis and Vinnie Francis came by. They waved and left. Finally, Brice Wu and Carla Stevenson passed by. They apologized for being late. (Brice had a crush on Carla.) Jake didn't notice when Michael Evans came along. Michael gently taped Jake on his shoulder. Jake spun around surprised to find Michael there laughing hilariously. Jake teased Michael in a sqeaky voice, "Oh, I am soooo scared!" "Ha, Ha! Very funny!"Michael teased back. "I just wanted to say that I can come to your party." Michael said. Jake forced a smile. Sparr reminded Jake, "We have to go back to class now, guys."

As they headed to class, Jake thought, "I wonder what kind of decorations dad bought me. I hope I'll like it." Just then, Jake felt someone tap his shoulder. When Jake turned around, there was Ted Lawrence. Ted was pretty friendly, but, he liked to play practical jokes on people. But those joked Ted plays never does any harm. Ted was also the best basketball, kickball, baseball, and football player in third grade. Ted puts posters of basketball players in his bedroom.

Jake asked," What do you want?" Ted replied, "Nothing. Just saying hi." Brice whispered, "Let's go!" Jake nodded and said to Ted,"Catch ya later!" Brice nudged Jake and said,"I have a comic book on Spider-Man 2!" "Cool." Jake said admiringly.

After on hour of Social Studies of learning about the beginning of the universe, it was recess. "Free time!" Ted schreeched! "Lower your voice, Ted," said Mrs. Zeller, their Social Studies teacher. Ted suddenly whooped, and dashed out into the play yard.

"What was that all about?" Brice asked Carla. "I don't know?" Carla answered. "Why don't we follow him and see." Brice said. "Sure," said Carla. Brice and Carla followed by Meredith and Vinnie skipped out of class. Sparr nudged his friends. "Let's find out too." Andrew said, "I like your Bat Man t-shirt, Sparr," Sparr muttered under his breath, "I know you've trying to get out of this, Andrew." "Now let's hurry," Sparr snapped. So, everyone agreed.

The third-graders hurried outside just in time to see Ted pull a small frog out of the mud. "Eweeew!" Lots of the third graders said. Ted just grinned a foolish grin. Ted lowered his voice. "If you don't tell Mr. Thunders, I'm gonna sneak this in his desk, so when he opens it, he's gonna find out."

Jake and his friends all agreed that they would keep it a secret. When they went back to class, Ted already put the frog in Mr. Thuders' desk. Jake and his pals all held their breaths to see what would happen.

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