
Summer Break

On summer vacation, when my mom and dad were woriking, I played with my best friend Lucy.

We went to practice piano together downstairs. Sometimes we play at ther house and sometimes we play at my house. We play board games like Monopoly or Chutes-and-Ladders, or Mancala, Othello. Most of the time, we play House. It's fun and you can stop whenever you want to.

When it's time for lunch, we go back home. Our parents go downstarirs and get the lunch the consulate's cook made. We usually have rice and some kind of fish. But not always.

In the afternoon, we play games and watch television. And Lucy and I have a little snack. We pick out sometihing that's from wherever we are. I alwarys pick the string cheese. It's white and you can peel strips of cheese lines from a long log of cheese. Lucy usually pick the giant Strawberry Pocky.

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