
The Pool

Derek Walter didn't have a best friend until Emily and Doug Pretson moved into his neighborhood.

Emily, Doug, and their parents had just moved into Derek's old neighbor Mr. Johnson's house. Derek saw the whole scene from his bedroom window. He used his telescope (he got that for a birthday gift since he was fond of astronomy) and looked out the window with it often.

When Derek was doing his daily looking, he saw Mrs. Grandby, the real estate person put a sold sing in front of the sale sign and she drove off.

Derek raced downstairs and shared with his parents about the news. "I hope they have kids y age!" he eagerly said after he explained it.

His dad chuckled. "If they have kids your age, then I hope their father is interested in hockey!"

A couple of hours later, Derek was looking through his telescope again. He saw a blue convertible drive up with two moving trucks following directly behind. "It's the new people!" he thought excitedly.

Derek peered closer. He saw a man in the front and , two kids in the back of the convertible! "Yippee!" Derek shouted happily.

He ran down to his front yard to greet them.

A week later, Doug and Emily invited Derek to go swimming at the pool downtown. "Sure!" Derek exclaimed. "Great! We'll meet you on Friday." Doug promised.

Derek rushed home and told his parents. Suddenly, Derek's big sister, Mindy Walter skipped down the stairs. She sneered. "Ha! You don't even know how to swim! How are you going to learn by Friday!?"

Derek's shoulders drooped. "Darn, I forgot all about that. Now what am I going to do?"

Mr. Walter slapped Derek's back. "If you try your hardest, I'd be glad to train you until Friday!"

Derek grinned "Gee, thanks a whole lot! But do you think I can learn in only 3 days?"

Mr. Walter smiled, "If you try your hardest."

Mindy snorted, "Mindy," Mrs. Walter said sternly, "if you'd like me to send you to your room, I'd be glad to." Then she said to Mr. Walter, "Ken, I think that will be a great idea! You can take Derek there this afternoon!"

Mr. Walter glanced at his watch. "We can go now, if you'd like!"

Derek whooped. "YAHOO!" he screamed.

Mindy came out of the kitchen carrying a cellphone. "Can you puh-leeeese stop screaming? You're ridiculous!"

Mr. Walter stood up. "Derek," he ordered, "get your swim trunks and goggles. Meet you here in a minute?"

Derek flashed a thumbs-up sign and bolted up the stairs with Mr. Walter trotting behind.

Derek leafed around in his drawer and fished out his goggles and swim trunks. Then, just Derek and his dad went to the pool to help him practice.

By Friday, Derek was all set and ready. He headed up to Doug and Emily's house after school. Ding Dong. Emily poked her head out. "Come in." she said.

Derek asked, "When are we going swimming? Where's Doug?"

Emily sighed. "Look. I want to make it up to you, but Doug caught a cold when we went to that museum, The Museum of Natural History. Sorry, but my folks said that I have to stay home."

"Oh," said a disappointed Derek, "but can I still visit him?"

Emily shook her head. "Nope. Mom won't let visitors see him 'till he's better."

Derek headed out the door and walked home. He played soccer in the backyard by himself, feeling lonely.

But, he cheered up when his dad offered to swim with him and Derek had a great time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! I am your biggest fan! I love your stories. They are so good!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! I am your biggest fan! I love your stories. They are so good!